Thursday, June 30, 2011

NBI Network Event - Debt Counselling Seminar - Life After Debt - Monday 4 July 6:30 pm - Conference Centre - Please RSVP


MONDAY 4 JULY 6:30 FOR 7 PM – CONFERENCE CENTRE (Northfield Methodist Church)


PLEASE RSVP TO  or 011 849 7031


The presentation will cover the following:

·         What is Debt Counselling?

·          Over indebted what are your options – is Debt Counselling for you?

·         The advantages and disadvantages of debt counseling

·         What to look for when looking for a debt counsellor.

·         Commonly asked Questions

·         Q & A Session


Drop Debt Solutions was founded in March 2010 by Cheryl Vago and Chanene Ablett after undergoing training in September 2009 at Pretoria University. Cheryl and Chanene are registered with the NCR and are affiliated with the Debt Counselling Association of South Africa (DCASA). They also attend workshops on a regular basis to keep up to date with Industry Standards and Regulations. All of Drop Debt Solutions client’s payments are made to the National Payment Distribution Agency (NPDA) and are therefore strictly monitored by the Payment Distribution Agency of South Africa (PDASA). The main reason why Cheryl and Chanene decided to get involved with Debt Counselling, was to assist people who were over indebted and who were overwhelmed by their current financial situation.   All of Drop Debt Solutions clients’ are treated with respect and empathy by the members and all information is kept strictly confidential.



Kind Regards

Chanene Ablett

Drop Debt Solutions

 Tel: 087 150 5265 OR 011 823 6568            

Mobile: 0823320673

Fax2Email: 0866135965

Office Fax: 011 823 1900



QP   please think of the environment before printing this email


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Reminder: Workplace Pastorate - TWL - tonight 6 for 6:30pm - Conferenence Centre

Reminder: TWL tonight (Thursday 2 June) 6 for 6:30pm. Start 6:30 sharp. Conference Centre.


Looking forward to seeing you.




Please join us for Part 2 of the TWL series. Don’t worry if you missed some of Part 1 or haven’t done Part 1 at all. Given our busy lives,

please don’t feel pressured that you have to come to all the teachings, try make at least half. The point is to equip each other for the workplace.

To learn the principles of how God values our work, and how to transform ourselves so that our work can become our ministry, and to learn how to  

become “marketplace” ministers.


Please RSVP and register to or on 082 895 6327.

There is a cost of R50 for the manual.