Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Send in your comments - Link to proposed BEE changes attached

Don't forget that we have about a month in which to submit our comments to the DTI. Comments can be sent to or and they should get there before the 26th of November, 2012. 

Only ourselves to blame if we do nothing.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Say No to New BEE Changes #No2Bee

The current BEE SED and ED codes have allowed us to get great support for our work both as a community centre with its core being education and personal development in a township called Etwatwa, and in developing micro-entrepreneurs.

Isn't it ironic that Rob's proposed amendments will literally undo and reverse any progress made in terms of EDUCATION, PERSONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT, CARE FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT MOST AND ECONOMIC KNOWLEDGE AND ENTREPRENEURIAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT.

Seems Rob will do his best to destroy real education, development and business growth.

Business investment and ultimately employment creation follows risk based incentive programs - whether those be tax incentives, capital incentives, employment incentives. Companies overseas get great tax incentives for donating into charities - and so foster good socio-economic development and corporate responsibility.

But what is Rob's master plan - not incentives but PENALTIES. How can penalties foster growth and development?

Sorry Rob - you played your trump card and its a joker! Out with Rob and his team of mis-advisors! Time for Rob to say goodbye.