Thursday, April 11, 2013

NBI Network: Work Wanted - Secretary / Executive Assistant / Reception

I have been an assistant / secretary over 20 years. I am currently
hoping to find a position of similar type.

Contact Michelle - +27 73-351-8518

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Northfield NEW Office Telephone Number - 010 1400 210

Please note that the office telephone number has changed to 010 1400 210.


My direct telephone number is 010 1400 232.


Apologies for any inconvenience.


Many thanks.


Allan Holmes

Northfield Methodist Church        EVERYONE IS WELCOME. 

010 1400 232                                  NOBODY IS PERFECT.

011 425 5518 (F)                              ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE


Love God &  Love Others

God Honouring &  People Growing

Moving towards a life fully surrendered to Christ