Thursday, December 5, 2013

NBI Network Invite: Paradigm Shift Entrepreneurs of 2013 Business Expo - Saturday 7 December - White House Healing Centre

Dear friends,


Paradigm Shift is part of the economic healing ministry of Northfield Methodist Church. We have just graduated 48 aspiring entrepreneurs.

The entrepreneurs have taken the initiative to promote their businesses by holding a business expo and Christmas market at

The White House Healing Centre (at the old St. Dunstan’s School Chapel), on Saturday morning, 7 December.


It would be great to come see what they do, support their businesses, network and do a bit of Xmas shopping.

More details below.


Friday, October 25, 2013


In this issue we give you updates on our clubs and campaigns
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In the newest snapshot of JWCC:



We were thrilled when at the Lions Peace Poster prize giving Leonard Sitoe from the JWCC art club was selected as the overall winner and received R2000 for the 2013 Lions Award.
Congratulation to the art club as this is the second year consecutively that a JWCC art student has won the overall award in Sector 6.
We now wait in great anticipation as the art work goes to national and hopefully international levels for judging.

Palesa the art teacher commented that, "The main lesson learnt, as we were preparing for this competition is togetherness, sharing, love and team work."


The John Wesley Marimba Band, a group of 10 children (between ages 10 & 12) and their teacher were selected as the band to tour to the United Kingdom in October this year. The group left Johannesburg International on the 10th October and returned safely to us on the 18th October exhausted but thrilled with the tales of their adventures. Feedback has been amazing and we are so proud of the growth we have witnessed in these young people.

Our thanks to Joan Lithgrow and Education Africa for all their time, energy, mentorship and dedication in helping make a difference in the lives of the children in Etwatwa.


The Soweto National Marimba Festival was held at Morris Isaacson High School on 7th of September 2013.
We had two groups that performed :
* Primary School Small Ensemble- 10 children, They performed the click song.
* High School Large Ensemble- A group of 18 children performed the House Mix song
Both groups performed well demonstrating, their improved playing method as well as their higher levels of confidence. Such events are always a wonderful opportunity for the children to learn from different groups that performed.
Our small group ensemble has been selected to play various corporate and social events. We are very pleased to have these opportunities to perform publically and welcome any other opportunities that come our way.


The John Wesley gymnastics programme is privileged to work in association with Belvedere Gymnastics. To date this year the trampoline team has brought home a total of 32 gold, 24 silver and 17 bronze medals. The Acro Gymnastics team has collected 71 gold, 8 silver and 3 bronze medals. Several of the gymnasts received their provincial colours and there is a group who will at the competition trying out for positions to compete in the World Championships overseas.

Gymnastics is a sport that is exacting and demands strength, flexibility, determination, control and extraordinary body control. Trevor Lubisi the head coach of the JWCC gymnastics team has taken the group and over the years developed them into an amazing set of youngsters who still continue to amaze and delight us with their fire, spirit, determination and success.
CONGRATULATIONS on your achievements so far!



See the next JWCC newsletter for the updated codes and how we can help you gain points in the new system.


The mentors at school programme was initiated this year in partnership with Themba Thandeka. Mentors@School is a programme developed to improve maths and English literacy in students on the course over a school year. All students and parents involved were asked to sign commitment forms and set out to improve their school marks over the year. Our 2 dedicated tutors and their Grade 8 students willingly gave their Saturday mornings twice a month to go through the school work, course work, homework and tests. Every term the students brought their report cards to the tutors who monitored progress.

We are very pleased to announce that our graduation for the Grade 8 class took place on Saturday 19 October at the John Wesley Community Centre in Etwatwa with our programme sponsors Karl and Laree Landman, the parents and community members, students, tutors and staff present.


Copyright © 2013 John Wesley Community Centre, All rights reserved.
NBI Contacts
Our mailing address is:
John Wesley Community Centre
11370 Church Street,
Etwatwa West
Benoni, GP 1519
South Africa

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

Ministry Events

Hi everyone,

There is a great ministry coming up for our senior adults with talks by Missy Buchanan from the US, titled “Don’t write

Your obituary just yet”. See details below. Also book for the annual NBI Breakfast with Chris Hart.



Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Invitation: NBI Breakfast with Chris Hart - 8 June

Join us for a good breakfast and an update by leading economist, Chris Hart.


Date: Saturday 8 June

Time: 7am – 10.30am

Venue: Wesley Hall, Northfield Methodist Church

Cost: R50

RSVP: Space is limited, please book early (


Allan Holmes

Northfield Methodist Church        EVERYONE IS WELCOME. 

010 1400 232                                    NOBODY IS PERFECT.

011 425 5518 (F)                              ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE


Love God &  Love Others

God Honouring &  People Growing

Moving towards a life fully surrendered to Christ 







Thursday, April 11, 2013

NBI Network: Work Wanted - Secretary / Executive Assistant / Reception

I have been an assistant / secretary over 20 years. I am currently
hoping to find a position of similar type.

Contact Michelle - +27 73-351-8518

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Northfield NEW Office Telephone Number - 010 1400 210

Please note that the office telephone number has changed to 010 1400 210.


My direct telephone number is 010 1400 232.


Apologies for any inconvenience.


Many thanks.


Allan Holmes

Northfield Methodist Church        EVERYONE IS WELCOME. 

010 1400 232                                  NOBODY IS PERFECT.

011 425 5518 (F)                              ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE


Love God &  Love Others

God Honouring &  People Growing

Moving towards a life fully surrendered to Christ 







Saturday, February 23, 2013

Bring God into Work Place

As I read this, I am reminded of Ghandi:


There are 7 things that will destroy us: Wealth without Work; Pleasure without Conscience; Knowledge without Character; Religion without Sacrifice; Politics without Principles; Science without Humanity; and, Business without Ethics.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Maximise your BEE Score - February Year Ends

Dear friends,


With the end of February approaching fast for those companies with February year ends, please let us know if we can help you with your BEE Socio-Economic Development (SED) and Enterprise Development (ED) spends.

I have attached a table for both SED and ED that gives you some guiding information.


Kind regards,


Allan Holmes

Northfield Methodist Church        EVERYONE IS WELCOME. 

011 849 7031 Ext 213                      NOBODY IS PERFECT.

011 425 5518 (F)                              ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE


Love God &  Love Others

God Honouring &  People Growing

Moving towards a life fully surrendered to Christ 







Sunday, February 3, 2013

Marry the sacred with the secular

Read: Ephesians 5:21-6:9
Before we look at how we relate to others in a new way because of Jesus, we might need a refocus on the priority of relating to others.

It is interesting that Paul, in speaking of the ways in which the Spirit is at work making personally present the boundless riches of Christ (ch 3:8), lands up speaking about the most immediate and the most ordinary of places where we experience such lives – at home and in the workplace.

In so doing, Paul marries the sacred with the secular; the most profound with the most basic; the big and great with the small and simple.

To systematise our thoughts and actions into a hierarchy from a base of home chores to the pinnacle of crucial kingdom work where real Christians operate is erroneous.

There is a temptation to gravitate towards the magnetic and virtually irresistible pull of big ideas and great opportunities for making an impact in the name of Jesus at the expense of seriously engaging with the unglamorous ordinary. Jesus himself taught that the greatest in the kingdom are those who humble themselves like a child and become the servant of all.

To opt out of the secular, to indulge in the sacred is to sign up for arrested development and to forever remain an adolescent who requires those we live with and those we work with to bear the brunt of our immaturity and live their life sentence picking up the tab for our "sacred" living.

Too many powerful, influential and publically acclaimed figures in sport, drama, politics, business, music and religion are infamously infantile and disappointing in their most intimate relationships at home and at work.

No area of living is done outside of the presence and life of God. Paul does well in this letter to show that the good news message of God in human flesh appearing is to be worked into the very fabric of our bodily existence starting with those at home and at work.

Pray: Father start your work of me relating in new ways to those closest to me.

(From Northfield's daily devotions)
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