Friday, October 25, 2013


In this issue we give you updates on our clubs and campaigns
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In the newest snapshot of JWCC:



We were thrilled when at the Lions Peace Poster prize giving Leonard Sitoe from the JWCC art club was selected as the overall winner and received R2000 for the 2013 Lions Award.
Congratulation to the art club as this is the second year consecutively that a JWCC art student has won the overall award in Sector 6.
We now wait in great anticipation as the art work goes to national and hopefully international levels for judging.

Palesa the art teacher commented that, "The main lesson learnt, as we were preparing for this competition is togetherness, sharing, love and team work."


The John Wesley Marimba Band, a group of 10 children (between ages 10 & 12) and their teacher were selected as the band to tour to the United Kingdom in October this year. The group left Johannesburg International on the 10th October and returned safely to us on the 18th October exhausted but thrilled with the tales of their adventures. Feedback has been amazing and we are so proud of the growth we have witnessed in these young people.

Our thanks to Joan Lithgrow and Education Africa for all their time, energy, mentorship and dedication in helping make a difference in the lives of the children in Etwatwa.


The Soweto National Marimba Festival was held at Morris Isaacson High School on 7th of September 2013.
We had two groups that performed :
* Primary School Small Ensemble- 10 children, They performed the click song.
* High School Large Ensemble- A group of 18 children performed the House Mix song
Both groups performed well demonstrating, their improved playing method as well as their higher levels of confidence. Such events are always a wonderful opportunity for the children to learn from different groups that performed.
Our small group ensemble has been selected to play various corporate and social events. We are very pleased to have these opportunities to perform publically and welcome any other opportunities that come our way.


The John Wesley gymnastics programme is privileged to work in association with Belvedere Gymnastics. To date this year the trampoline team has brought home a total of 32 gold, 24 silver and 17 bronze medals. The Acro Gymnastics team has collected 71 gold, 8 silver and 3 bronze medals. Several of the gymnasts received their provincial colours and there is a group who will at the competition trying out for positions to compete in the World Championships overseas.

Gymnastics is a sport that is exacting and demands strength, flexibility, determination, control and extraordinary body control. Trevor Lubisi the head coach of the JWCC gymnastics team has taken the group and over the years developed them into an amazing set of youngsters who still continue to amaze and delight us with their fire, spirit, determination and success.
CONGRATULATIONS on your achievements so far!



See the next JWCC newsletter for the updated codes and how we can help you gain points in the new system.


The mentors at school programme was initiated this year in partnership with Themba Thandeka. Mentors@School is a programme developed to improve maths and English literacy in students on the course over a school year. All students and parents involved were asked to sign commitment forms and set out to improve their school marks over the year. Our 2 dedicated tutors and their Grade 8 students willingly gave their Saturday mornings twice a month to go through the school work, course work, homework and tests. Every term the students brought their report cards to the tutors who monitored progress.

We are very pleased to announce that our graduation for the Grade 8 class took place on Saturday 19 October at the John Wesley Community Centre in Etwatwa with our programme sponsors Karl and Laree Landman, the parents and community members, students, tutors and staff present.


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John Wesley Community Centre
11370 Church Street,
Etwatwa West
Benoni, GP 1519
South Africa

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